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by Sam
We need sales force management help (actually we want to increase our sales and the effectiveness of our sales group).
We are seeking a management solution to either build and maintain our sales reps or a company who can build on the sales and sales reps for us or a software program that can help build, develop, manage and maintain our sales force.
Please let us know how you can help.
Thank you.
Response from Kris:
You need a solid/strong marketing plan - the marketing plan is your foundation (without a plan it is a challenge to develop sales).
Once you have a marketing plan, consider software products for sales force management and for customer relationship management (look for a product that integrates these two important management needs).
I have worked with a number of companies that have worked with highly effective sales and customer software tools and have found them to be a good starting point in the management and development of their sales teams.
After ensuring that you have a market-ready marketing plan, I would recommend starting with the software - it will help you do a gap analysis between what you have and what you want/need.
From the gap analysis, you will need to develop training programs and develop performance measurement programs. Assess each member of the sales team against the needs for your business (for example, do you have enough of a mix of 'hunters and gatherers'?). Focusing your leadership and management attention on sales force management will help you to develop a stronger sales group.
Sales and sales management is obviously a key factor in the success of any company. Therefore developing strong and growing small business sales strategy is an ongoing challenge for all small business owners but most businesses have learned how to do it successfully. If this is an area of concern for you, bring in a consultant to help you build an effective sales management program.
Kris Bovay
Voice Marketing Inc., business and marketing services
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